Data Backup & Disaster Recovery

Data Backup & Disaster Recovery | Secure Solutions Technology Partners

Have you Backed up your data today?

Small businesses realize the importance of being productive every minute of every day.  System downtime can cost you money and your reputation.  Are you prepared if disaster strikes?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, when a small or medium-sized business experiences a major business data loss;

  • 43% never reopened

  • 51% closed within two years of the loss

  • 93% of companies that suffer a significant data loss are out of business within five years.

So, are you prepared if disaster strikes?  Having a solid Data Backup & Disaster Recovery plan based on robust data backup and recovery solutions can mean the difference between closing your doors for good and continuing business as usual.  A good disaster recovery plan can also be insurance just in case your business does get hit with Ransomware.  Don't pay the criminals; get back to business as usual quickly.

For a small- or medium-sized business, a significant data loss can mean:

  • Emails,
  • Patient or client files,
  • Accounting data,
  • Employee information,
  • Company records,
  • Client legal records
  • or more.

And the reality is that most small- and medium-sized businesses can not afford or manage extensive in-house backup strategies necessary to recover quickly and efficiently in the event of a disaster or significant data loss.

Server Room 1735px - Data Backup & Disaster Recovery

With Secure Solution's data backup and recovery, we ensure your business is always up and running.  We work closely with you to identify your critical needs across the organization. We develop a complete backup and recovery plan to ensure you are back up and running quickly without significant delays or critical lost data.  Get peace of mind knowing that your business is protected when disaster strikes.

Contact us today at 704.754.8484 or email us at to learn how to protect your investment.

Backup and Disaster Recovery Built for your Business

Cloud Data Center e1545941734679 - Data Backup & Disaster Recovery

Co-location, Geo-redundant, Tier 3 SSAE 16 audited data centers with redundant data sets, RAID6 mirrored backup, clustered server farms for load-balancing, scalability and fail-over

Reliability - Data Backup & Disaster Recovery

SLA's for availability (99.982%), response time, service restoration.

Meets AICPA SSAE16/SAS 70 and ISAE 3402 criteria for system availability and security.

Compliance Checkmark - Data Backup & Disaster Recovery

100% compliant with all security rules specified in technical, administrative and physical safeguards of HIPAA.

SOC2 & HIPAA compliant with rotating encryption keys.

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