Network Design Services
Network Design Services | Secure Solutions Technology Partners
As your business grows, your IT infrastructure, network, systems, and security need to grow with you. Let Secure Solutions Technology design and plan your network to meet the growing needs of your business. We'll work with you to ensure that any solution recommendation is customized to your needs. Our process includes the following:
- Written recommendations for security policies
- Assessment of Current State
- A full onsite assessment of your current network infrastructure
- i.e., servers, routers, wireless access points, switching, cabling, and printers
- In-depth business assessment to understand your current & future needs, including business applications
- Assessment of your current Internet Providers capabilities & costs
- A full onsite assessment of your current network infrastructure
- Detailed network design plan
- Detailed Current State Assessment Report (CSA)
- Recommend ISP and management implementation/upgrades
- Recommended Network Architecture & Hardware Requirements
- Single or multiple locations
- Including Mobile connectivity
- Network Security recommendations
- Anti-virus, intrusion protection, and email security
- Mobile Management & Security
- Optimizing current systems for efficiency & compliance
- Cloud recommendations & implementations
- Network installation & configuration
- Server setup & configuration
- Active Directory User management
- Configure file & print sharing
- Router & Wireless Access Point setup and configuration
- Firewalls, intrusion detection, endpoint protection against today's cyber threats, ransomware, malware & viruses
- Wireless network setup & configuration
- Remote access setup & management
- Client configuration
- Encrypted Email and MS office implementation (client or cloud)
- Password management
- Mobile
- Onsite Training for employees
Technology is too important to your business to leave to chance. Take the first step to a more secure and efficient network.
Contact the experts at Secure Solutions Technology today at 704.754.8484, for your free assessment, or email us at

- National Password Day 2022 May 5, 2022
- Finding the Right IT Provider for Your Business September 20, 2021
- Recent Cyberattacks – How They Could Impact Your Business! December 28, 2020
- Announcing our New Partnership and CompleteCloud Solution July 23, 2020
- What is a Virtual Private Network? May 5, 2020
Most of you probably did not know that today is National Password Day. To help...
There are a Lot of Choices Are you struggling with your small business IT? ...
In This Week’s News By now, you have probably heard about the most recent...
Secure Solutions Technology, one of the fastest growing IT solution providers in central NC...
What is a VPN? VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. In simplest terms, a...
As our country continues to adjust to our new “normal” circumstances, it is important for...
What is a zero-day attack? Viruses and malware are written to take advantage of inadvertent...
It seems like we hear about major corporate breaches every day. Whether it’s Equifax, Target,...
What is two-factor authentication (2FA)? 2FA is an added layer of protection for your online...
Today the average American spends 24 hours a week online. Either on their mobile devices...
Most of us have probably heard of the Dark Web. Do you know what it...
To help celebrate National Small Business Week, Secure Solutions Technology in downtown Salisbury is offering...
According to a 2019 Future Workforce Report by Upwork, 73% of businesses will have remote...
What does file-less mean? Typically, cyber criminals have primarily delivered their malicious payloads, i.e....
What is Patch Management? Patch management is part of an overall systems management plan that...
Just building a wall isn’t the answer for your cyber security Today it seems that...
Phishing attacks happen every day but do you always recognize them? Don’t get caught! The...
Understanding the benefits of virtualization can help you protect your business. Chances are you have...
Is your Cloud provider ready for your data disaster? In today’s business world, data is...
Secure Solutions has achieved Dell EMC Partner Status. Secure Solutions is proud to announce...